Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Map Directions


There is a map assignment for every chapter. While most vocab is on the word wall in the classroom, or on the people list, some vocab in our class relates to places and events.

Your map is miniaturized and fit in the center of the paper. It is surrounded by places and events in boxes. In the boxes, your job is to write a blurb identifying the significance of the place or event in the chapter.

Your next job is to use the maps in the chapter (or the internet) to locate and label the places on the map. You should use pen or pencil for this.

Your last job is to shade/color in the map:

Land: green if the map is one country only, or, if there are many countries/empires on the map, you can make them different colors like yellow, orange, pink, purple, tan, etc. or mix colors for new shades.

Water: blue

Mountains: brown

Cities: red (O)

Battle sites: black (X)

Finally, you can adorn the map with an artistic title at the top

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